Christine‘s Compendium
A collection of curiosities, creative writing, aspirations and artistry.
One of my happy places.
Being Me
We all have many things that we care about. This is me.
Library & Information Science
It’s what I do. I’ve been involved in the information science and semantic technologies space for over 20 years.
Society for Creative Anachronism
I participate in an organization called the SCA, wherein we recreate the middle ages. I am a Mistress of the Laurel in Bookbinding, and here is where you will find my research.
Arts, Herbalism, Writing
I like to learn and try new things and deepen my knowledge of things such as plant-based wellness. I like to write. I enjoy these things, I welcome you to join me on this journey.

I love to read. I love being a librarian – reference and research work make my geeky heart happy. I also love to make books. Here are a few I’ve made.
Latest Blog Entries
Nana Mickie
After a good long life, we said goodbye to one of the best ladies I’ve ever known.
From Scribe to Binder
From-Scribe-to-BinderDownload History, Process and Roundtable Presentation given April 2018
From NPR: When Making Books Was As Much Of An Art As Writing Them
Neat story on an old-school printer and binder.