Looking for information science or semantic web content? You’ll find a little of that here, but mostly you’ll find things related to my art and my hobbies. This is a place to try things out, practice, find my voice. Enjoy!
So, you want to know a little about me? Ok…
I work as an IT Director in Data and Content. I have a master’s degree in library and information science from Simmons College, and one of my all-time favorite columns and tv programs is James Burke’s Connections series. I *love* following the path less traveled.
THIS, however, is my personal blog. The posts here are thoughts of my own, some meaningful, some questionable, and none reflect opinions of any organization I affiliate with.
I am a mother, daughter, sister, wife and friend. I like traveling, reading, writing and discovering new music and films. I tend to prefer BBC America and the Discovery Channel when I watch tv. I like letterboxing, kayaking, and nature walks. I wish I was more arts & crafts-y. I can follow random tangents very well and prefer to spend my time in abstract space. I love exploring our world – from the physical to the digital to the conceptual.
I am also very involved in the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) where I am an apprentice bookbinder and generally try to help where I can. I have a page on the East Kingdom wiki, under my name Christina Jenevra de Carvalhal; I go by Jenevra.
I have fantastical persona backstories in my head that I haven’t quite fleshed out yet. My persona’s father was a bookbinder, and taught me the trade since women were not excluded. That way I also learned to read, and dream and create. I was so grateful that I sought out every opportunity to be of service and ended up in a Royal Household. And so the the story goes on…