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The Book and Digitial Media Studies department at the University of Leiden publishes an annual journal, TXT. Academic papers can be found at
Skin Deep

Skin Deep

Skin Deep is a newsletter from J Hewit & Sons Ltd. Beyond having an impressive history and shop of quality leather and related goods, they produce a newsletter which features well-researched articles of interest to bookbinders. You will find some real gems in its...
Look What I Found!

Look What I Found!

As you may have seen, I created a mini-book binding kit for myself. I was wandering about the internet as you do and came across someone else who did the same! His was much more planned than mine and is quite impressive! Check it out! And also check out this...


This is a great little site about “Books before print.” It is co-authored by Erik Kwakkel, whom I must admit to having a little geek crush on. It is a wonderful resource for the beginner just looking to understand how books were made a millennium ago....
Coronation Book for Ivan and Matilde

Coronation Book for Ivan and Matilde

Now that it has been gifted, I can share with you my latest book. A Coronation Book for Ivan and Matilde, Tsar and Tsaritsa of the East Kingdom, in which we invited gentles to share their thoughts and well wishes for Them as they sat in State. I have known in my heart...